the earth and space

the zone that makes up two-thirds of the earths mass is the mantle.Moho is the boundary between the earths crust and mantle both p waves and s waves can travel through solids                        the possible source of the earths magnetism is the core                    as the distance from the center of the earth increases the force of gravity decreases. the measured weight of an object is slightly less on the poles because the shape of the earth. the perihelion word means that its close. noon the winter solstice the suns rays strike the earth at the tropic of Capricorn. vernal equinox the suns rays hit the equator. when the suns rays reach their highest angle in the northern hemisphere the season there is  summer.  a person crossing the international date line gains or losses two hours. Landsat provides info about the earths surface.

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earth a unique planet

the earths mantle is 2,900 km thick. The earths cor is dense solid sphere with the radius of 1,228 km wide. it is mostly molten iron. P waves travel through liquids solids and gasses. S waves travel faster through rigid materials. the magnetosphere is the region of space which is affected by the earths magnetic field. you weigh less on a mountain then you would on sea level because the further you are from the earth  and there is less gravity pull.

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